Sunday, November 18, 2012


Scot Conway is very familiar with The Secret. With it, Rhonda Byrne made the Law of Attraction famous - but she by no means had the first book to talk about it. Conway himself first learned of the Law of Attraction as the unnamed, unspoken law hinted at in every chapter of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. Hill was not the first one to talk about it, either. Dr. Conway has read a great many works from the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries talking about The Law of Attraction. Conway also saw in all of these a fundamental law he first learned as a child studying martial arts: The Law of Harmony."The Law of Harmony is the gateway through which all who truly succeed must pass. Everyone who has succeeded with the Law of Attraction passed through the gate, knowing or not, and found their blessings waiting for them on the other side. "...READ MORE

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